General meetings are held on the second Tuesday each month except December. They commence at 10:00 und finish at 12:00, starting with formal business, which is normally followed by a member profile, allowing both new and old members to share a little of their life story.
After a morning tea and coffee break, a guest speaker addresses the Club.
The meeting fee is $10 which includes morning tea.
Recent speakers have addressed subjects such as:
The History of Friendship Force
Spirit Australia Cruises
Experiences of a veteran RAN & Qantas Pilot
Queensland Rail
Office of Fair Trading
Forensic Pathology
History of the Light Horse Regiment
The evolving Australian/English Language
Forensic investigations at Fromelle WW1site
How your hearing works and the need to have it checked regularly
The perils of trucking in outback Australia
The Sunshine Coast Animal Refuge in Sippy Downs
Experiences of driving a large tourist coach around Europe
Crime prevention and keeping yourself safe
Exercise for the ageing body